半导体光学 第3版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- C.F.Klingshirn著 著
- 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
- ISBN:7030187857
- 出版时间:2007
- 标注页数:809页
- 文件大小:107MB
- 文件页数:830页
- 主题词:半导体-光学性质-英文
半导体光学 第3版PDF格式电子书版下载
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1 Introduction1
1.1 Aims and Concepts1
1.2 Outline of the Book and a lot of References2
1.3 Some Personal Thoughts4
1.4 Problems5
References to Chap.16
2 Maxwell's Equations,Photons and the Density of States11
2.1 Maxwell's Equations11
2.2 Electromagnetic Radiation in Vacuum14
2.3 Electromagnetic Radiation in Matter;Linear Optics17
2.4 Transverse.Longitudinal and Surface Waves21
2.5 Photons and Some Aspects of Quantum Mechanics and of Dispersion Relations22
2.6 Density of States and Occupation Probabilities26
2.7 Problems33
References to Chap.234
3 Interaction of Light with Matter37
3.1 Macroscopic Aspects for Solids37
3.1.1 Boundary Conditions37
3.1.2 Laws of Reflection and Refraction40
3.1.3 Noether's Theorem and Some Aspects of Conservation Laws42
3.1.4 Reflection and Transmission at an Interface and Fresnel's Formulae44
3.1.5 Extinction and Absorption of Light48
3.1.6 Transmission Through a Slab of Matter and Fabry Perot Modes49
3.1.7 Birefringence and Dichroism53
3.1.8 Optical Activity61
3.2 Microscopic Aspects61
3.2.1 Absorption,Stimulated and Spontaneous Emission,Virtual Excitation62
3.2.2 Perturbative Treatment of the Linear Interaction of Light with Matter65
3.3 Problems71
References to Chap.372
4 Ensemble of Uncoupled Oscillators73
4.1 Equations of Motion and the Dielectric Function74
4.2 Corrections Due to Quantum Mechanics and Local Fields77
4.3 Spectra of the Dielectric Function and of the Complex Index of Refraction79
4.4 The Spectra of Reflection and Transmission85
4.5 Interaction of Close Lying Resonances88
4.6 Problems90
References to Chap.490
5 The Concept of Polaritons93
5.1 Polaritons as New Quasiparticles94
5.2 Dispersion Relation of Polaritons95
5.3 Polaritons in Solids,Liquids and Gases and from the IR to the X-ray Region101
5.3.1 Common Optical Properties of Polaritons101
5.3.2 How the k-vector Develops105
5.4 Coupled Oscillators and Polaritons with Spatial Dispersion109
5.4.1 Dielectric Function and the Polariton States with Spatial Dispersion111
5.4.2 Reflection and Transmission and Additional Boundary Conditions113
5.5 Real and Imaginary Parts of Wave Vector and Frequency117
5.6 Surface Polaritons118
5.7 Problems121
References to Chap.5122
6 Kramers-Kronig Relations125
6.1 General Concepts125
6.2 Problem129
References to ChaP.6129
7 Crystals,Lattices,Lattice Vibrations and Phonons131
7.1 Adiabatic Approximation131
7.2 Lattices and Crystal Structures in Real and Reciprocal Space133
7.3 Vibrations of a String138
7.4 Linear Chains140
7.5 Three-Dimensional Crystals146
7.6 Quantization of Lattice Vibrations:Phonons and the Concept of Quasiparticles147
7.7 The Density of States and Phonon Statistics150
7.8 Phonons in Alloys153
7.9 Defects and Localized Phonon Modes155
7.10 Phonons in Superlattices and in other Structures of Reduced Dimensionality157
7.11 Problems160
References to Chap.7161
8 Electrons in a Periodic Crystal163
8.1 Bloch's Theorem164
8.2 Metals,Semiconductors,Insulators168
8.3 An Overview of Semiconducting Materials170
8.4 Electrons and Holes in Crystals as New Quasiparticles174
8.5 The Effective-Mass Concept176
8.6 The Polaron Concept and Other Electron-Phonon Interaction Processes179
8.7 Some Basic Approaches to Band Structure Calculations182
8.8 Bandstructures of Real Semiconductors192
8.9 Density of States,Occupation Probability and Critical Points198
8.10 Electrons and Holes in Quantum Wells and Superlattices202
8.11 Growth of Quantum Wells and of Superlattices211
8.12 Quantum Wires217
8.13 Quantum Dots219
8.14 Defects.Defect States and Doping222
8.15 Disordered Systems and Localization227
8.16 Problems237
References to Chap.8238
9 Excitons,Biexcitons and Trions243
9.1 Wannier and Frenkel Excitons244
9.2 Corrections to the Simple Exciton Model249
9.3 The Influence of Dimensionality252
9.4 Biexcitons and Trions257
9.5 Bound Exciton Complexes258
9.6 Excitons in Disordered Systems259
9.7 Problems262
References to Chap.9262
10 Plasmons,Magnons and some Further Elementary Excitations265
10.1 Plasmons,Pair Excitations and Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States265
10 2 Magnons and Magnetic Polarons270
10.3 Problems272
References to Chap.10273
11 Optical Properties of Phonons275
11.1 Phonons in Bulk Semiconductors275
11.1.1 Reflection Spectra275
11.1.2 Raman Scattering277
11.1.3 Phonon Polaritons279
11.1.4 Brillouin Scattering280
11.1.5 Surface Phonon Polaritons281
11.1.6 Phonons in Alloys281
11.1.7 Defects and Localized Phonon Modes283
11.2 Phonons in Superlattices284
11.2.1 Backfolded Acoustic Phonons284
11.2.2 Confined Optic Phonons285
11.2.3 Interface Phonons286
11.3 Phonons in Quantum Dots287
11.4 Problems288
References to Chap.11288
12 Optical Properties of Plasmons,Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States and of Magnons291
12.1 Surface Plasmons292
12.2 Plasmon-Phonon Mixed States293
12.3 Plasmons in Systems of Reduced Dimensionality295
12.4 Optical Properties of Magnons296
12.5 Problems296
References to Chap.12297
13 Optical Properties of Intrinsic Excitons in Bulk Semiconductors299
13.1 Excitons with strong Oscillator Strength299
13.1.1 Exciton-Photon Coupling299
13.1.2 Consequences of Spatial Dispersion302
13.1.3 Spectra of Reflection,Transmission and Lumineseence304
13.1.4 Spectroscopy in Momentum Space318
13.1.5 Surface-Exciton Polaritons325
13.1.6 Excitons in Organic Semiconductors and in Insulators326
13.1.7 Optical Transitions Above the Fundamental Gap and Core Excitons330
13.2 Forbidden Exciton Transitions335
13.2.1 Direct Gap Semiconductors335 Triplet States and Related Transitions335 Parity Forbidden Band-to-Band Transitions336
13.2.2 Indirect Gap Semiconductors339
13.3 Intraexcitonic Transitions342
13.4 Problems345
References to Chap.13346
14 Optical Properties of Bound and Localized Excitons and of Defect States351
14.1 Bound-Exciton and Multi-exciton Complexes351
14.2 Donor-Acceptor Pairs and Related Transitions359
14.3 Internal Transitions and Deep Centers361
14.4 Excitons in Disordered Systems362
14.5 Problems367
References to Chap.14367
15 Optical Properties of Excitons in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality371
15.1 QantumW ells371
15.2 Coupled Quantum Wells and Superlattices381
15.3 Quantum Wires388
15.4 Quantum Dots392
15.5 Problems403
References to Chap.15404
16 Excitons Under the Influence of External Fields411
16.1 Magnetic Fields411
16.1.1 Nonmagnetic Bulk Semiconductors413
16.1.2 Diluted Magnetic Bulk Semiconductors418
16.1.3 Semiconductor Structures of Reduced Dimensionality421
16.2 Electric Fields423
16.2.1 Bulk Semiconductors424
16.2.2 Semiconductor Structures of Reduced Dimensionality427
16.3 Strain Fields429
16.3.1 Bulk Semiconductors430
16.3.2 Structures of Reduced Dimensionality433
16.4 Problems434
References to Chap.16435
17 From Cavity Polaritons to Photonic Crystals439
17.1 Cavity Polaritons439
17.1.1 The Empty Resonator439
17.1.2 Cavity Polaritons442
17.2 Photonic Crystals and Photonic Band Gap Structures444
17.2.1 Introduction to the Basic Concepts444
17.2.2 Realization of Photonic Crystals and Applications448
17.3 Photonic Atoms,Molecules and Crystals451
17.4 Further Developments of Photonic Crystals455
17.5 A Few Words about Metamaterials456
17.6 Problerns458
References to Chap.17458
18 Review of the Linear Optical Properties461
18.1 Review of the Linear Optical Properties461
18.2 Problem464
References to Chap.18464
19 High Excitation Effects and Nonlinear Optics467
19.1 Introduction and Definition467
19.2 General Scenario for High Excitation Effects476
19.3 Beyond the x(n)Approximations479
19.4 Problems480
References to Chap.19481
20 The Intermediate Density Regime483
20.1 Two-Photon Absorption by Excitons483
20.2 Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Processes484
20.3 Biexcitons and Trions487
20.3.1 Bulk Semiconductors488
20.3.2 Structures ofReduced Dimensionality498
20.4 Optical or ac Stark Effect503
20.5 Excitonic Bose-Einstein Condensation506
20.5.1 Basic Properties506
20.5.2 Attempts to find BEC in Bulk Semiconductors508
20.5.3 Structures of Reduced Dimensionality513
20.5.4 Driven Excitonic Bose-Einstein Condensations517
20.5.5 Excitonic Insulators and Other Systems518
20.5.6 Conclusion and Outlook519
20.6 Photo-thermal Optical Nonlinearities519
20.7 Problems520
References to Chap.20521
21 The Electron-Hole Plasma529
21.1 The Mott Density529
21.2 Band Gap Renormalization and Phase Diagram532
21.3 Electron Hole Plasmas in Bulk Semiconductors538
21.3.1 Indirect Gap Materials539
21.3.2 Electron-Hole Plasmas in Direct-Gap Semiconductors542
21.4 Electron Hole Plasma in Structures of Reduced Dimensionality552
21.5 Inter-subband Transitions in Unipolar and Bipolar Plasmas555
21.5.1 Bulk Semiconductors555
21.5.2 Structures of Reduced Dimensionality556
21.6 Problems558
References to Chap.21558
22 Stimulated Emission and Laser Processes563
22.1 Excitonic Processes564
22.2 Electron-Hole Plasmas572
22.3 Basic Concepts of Laser Diodes and Present Research Trends573
22.4 Problems577
References to Chap.22577
23 Time Resolved Spectroscopy581
23.1 The Basic Time Constants582
23.2 Decoherence and Phase Relaxation588
23.2.1 Determination of the Phase Relaxation Times588 Four-Wave Mixing Experiments588 Other Techniques and Coherent Processes606
23.2.2 Quantum Coherence,Coherent Control and Non-Markovian Decay622 Markovian versus Non-Markovian Damping622 Damping by LO Phonon Emission and Other Processes624 Rabi Oscillations628
23.3 Intra-Subband and Inter-Subband Relaxation631
23.3.1 Formation Times of Various Collective Excitations631
23.3.2 Intraband and Inter-subband Relaxation633
23.3.3 Transport Properties638
23.4 Interband Recombination639
23.5 Problems646
References to Chap.23647
24 Optical Bistability,Optical Computing,Spintronics and Quantum Computing655
24.1 Optical Bistability655
24.1.1 Basic Concepts and Mechanisms656
24.1.2 Dispersive Optical Bistability657
24.1.3 Optical Bistability Due to Bleaching660
24.1.4 Induced Absorptive Bistability662
24.1.5 Electro-Optic Bistability666
24.1.6 Nonlinear Dynamics668
24.2 Device Ideas,Digital Optical Computing and Why It Failed675
24.3 Spintronics679
24.4 Quantum Computing679
24.5 Problems680
References to Chap.24681
25 Experimental Methods685
25.1 Linear Optical Spectroscopy686
25.1.1 Equipment for Linear Spectroscopy687
25.1.2 Techniques and Results690
25.2 Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy695
25.2.1 Equipment for Nonlinear Optics695
25.2.2 Experimental Techniques and Results698 One Beam Methods698 Pump-and-Probe Beam Spectroscopy700 Four-Wave Mixing and Laser-Induced Gratings702
25.3 Time-Resolved Spectroscopy707
25.3.1 Equipment for Time-Resolved Spectroscopy707
25.3.2 Experimental Techniques and Results711 Lifetime Measurements712 Intraband and Intersubband Relaxation713 Coherent Processes714
25.4 Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy716
25.4.1 Equipment for Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy717
25.4.2 Experimental Techniques and Results719
25.5 Spectroscopy Under the Influence of External Fields721
25.5.1 Equipment for Spectroscopy Under the Influence of External Fields722
25.5.2 Experimental Techniques and Results723
25.6 Problems726
References to Chap.25726
26 Group Theory in Semiconductor Optics735
26.1 Introductory Remarks735
26.2 Some Aspects of Abstract Group Theory for Crystals736
26.2.1 Some Abstract Definitions737
26.2.2 Classification of the Group Elements737
26.2.3 Isomorphism and Homomorphism of Groups738
26.2.4 Some Examples of Groups738
26.3 Theory of Representations and of Characters743
26.4 Hamilton Operator and Group Theory748
26.5 Applications to Semiconductors Optics751
26.6 Some Selected Group Tables761
26.7 Problems768
References to Chap.26768
27 Semiconductor Bloch Equations771
27.1 Dynamics of a Two-Level System772
27.1.1 Wave-Function Description773
27.1.2 Polarization and Inversion as State Variables775
27.1.3 Pseudo-Spin Formulation776
27.1.4 Linear Response of a Two Level System777
27.2 Optical Bloch Equations778
27.2.1 Interband susceptibility779
27.3 Semiconductor Bloch Equations780
27.3.1 Excitons781
27.4 Coherent Processes784
27.4.1 Pump-Probe784
27.4.2 Four-Wave Mixing785
27.4.3 Photon Echo785
27.5 Problems789
References to Chap.27790
The Final Problem793
Subject Index795
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