产业生态学 第2版·影印版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)T.E.Graedel 著
- 出版社: 清华大学出版社
- ISBN:7302081212
- 出版时间:2004
- 标注页数:363页
- 文件大小:31MB
- 文件页数:380页
- 主题词:产业-生态学-高等学校-教材-英文
产业生态学 第2版·影印版PDF格式电子书版下载
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Chapter 1 Humanity and Environment1
1.1 The Tragedy of the Commons1
1.2 The Master Equation5
1.3 The Grand Objectives8
1.3.1 Linking the Grand Objectives to Environmental Science9
1.3.2 Targeted Activities of Technological Societies11
1.3.3 Actions for an Industrialized Society12
1.4 Addressing the Challenge14
Further Reading15
Chapter 2 The Industrial Ecology Concept17
2.1 From Contemporaneous Thinking to Forward Thinking17
2.2 Linking Industrial Activity and Environmental and Social Sciences20
2.3 Key Questions of Industrial Ecology21
2.4 An Overview21
Further Reading23
Chapter 3 Technological Change and Evolving Risk25
3.1 Historical Patterns in Technological Evolution25
3.2 Approaches to Risk30
3.3 Risk Assessment33
3.4 Risk Communication35
3.5 Risk Management35
Further Reading37
Chapter 4 The Relevance of Biological Ecology to Technology39
4.1 Considering the Analogy39
4.2 Biological and Industrial Organisms40
4.3 Food Chains: Networks of Nutrient and Energy Transfer43
4.4 Population Ecology47
4.5 Classification of Specific Linkages49
4.6 The Utility of the Ecological Approach52
Further Reading54
Chapter 5 The Status of Resources55
5.1 Introduction55
5.2 Depletion Times and Underabundant Resources55
5.3 Hitchhiker Resources57
5.4 Energy Resources58
5.4.1 Trading Energy for Mineral Resources58
5.4.2 Energy Sources58
5.4.3 Energy Resource Status58
5.5 Energetically Limited Mineral Resources60
5.6 Geographically Influenced Resource Availability61
5.7 Environmentally Limited Resources62
5.8 Cumulative Supply Curves63
5.9 Water Resources64
5.10 Summary65
Further Reading67
Chapter 6 Society and Culture68
6.1 Society, Culture, and Industrial Ecology68
6.2 Cultural Constructs and Temporal Scales69
6.3 The Private Firm in a Social Context72
6.4 Environmentalism, Technology, and Society72
Further Reading75
Chapter 7 Governments, Laws, and Economics77
7.1 National Governmental Structures and Actions77
7.2 International Governance Considerations80
7.3 Industrial Ecology and the Legal System81
7.3.1 Fundamental Legal Issues82
7.3.2 Legal Case Studies Relevant to Industrial Ecology84
7.4 Economics and Industrial Ecology86
7.4.1 Valuation86
7.4.2 Discount Rates87
7.4.3 Benefit-Cost Analysis87
7.4.4 Green Accounting88
7.4.5 Substitutability Versus Complementarity89
7.4.6 Externalities89
7.5 Finance, Capital, and Investment90
Further Reading92
Chapter 8 Industrial Product Design and Development94
8.1 The Product Design Challenge94
8.2 Conceptual Tools for Product Designers96
8.2.1 The Pugh Selection Matrix96
8.2.2 The House of Quality97
8.3 Design for X97
8.4 Product Design Teams99
8.5 The Product Realization Process101
Further Reading103
Chapter 9 Industrial Process Design and Operation105
9.1 The Process Design Challenge105
9.2 Pollution Prevention106
9.3 The Challenge of Water Availability109
9.4 The Process Life Cycle111
9.4.1 Resource Provisioning112
9.4.2 Process Implementation112
9.4.3 Primary Process Operation112
9.4.4 Complementary Process Operation112
9.4.5 Refurbishment, Recycling, Disposal113
9.5 The Approach to Process Analysis113
9.5.1 The Process Itself114
9.5.2 The Process Equipment114
9.5.3 Complementary Processes115
9.6 Guidelines for Process Design and Operation115
9.7 Implications for Corporations116
Further Reading116
Chapter 10 Choosing Materials118
10.1 Materials Selection Considerations118
10.2 Materials and Environmental Hazards119
10.3 Materials Sources and Principal Uses121
10.3.1 Absolute Abundances121
10.3.2 Impacts of Materials Extraction and Processing122
10.3.3 Availability and Suitability of Post-Consumer Recycled Materials124
10.4 Materials Substitution126
10.5 Multiparameter Materials Selection128
10.6 Dematerialization134
10.7 Material Selection Guidelines134
Further Reading136
Chapter 11 Designing for Energy Efficiency137
11.1 Energy and Industry137
11.2 Primary Processing Industries139
11.3 Intermediate Processing Industries140
11.4 Analyzing Energy Use141
11.5 General Approaches to Minimizing Energy Use144
11.5.1 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC)144
11.5.2 Lighting144
11.5.3 On-Site Energy Generation144
11.5.4 Energy Housekeeping145
11.6 Summary147
Further Reading147
Chapter 12 Product Delivery149
12.1 Introduction149
12.2 General Packaging Considerations150
12.3 Solid Residue Considerations151
12.4 Liquid and Gaseous Emission Considerations155
12.5 Transportation and Installation155
12.6 Discussion and Summary156
Further Reading157
Chapter 13 Environmental Interactions During Product Use158
13.1 Introduction158
13.2 Solid Residue Generation During Product Use158
13.3 Liquid Residue Generation During Product Use159
13.4 Gaseous Residue Generation During Product Use159
13.5 Energy Consumption During Product Use160
13.6 Intentionally Dissipative Products161
13.7 Unintentionally Dissipative Products162
13.8 Design for Maintainability162
Further Reading165
Chapter 14 Design for End of Life166
14.1 Introduction166
14.2 General End-of-Life Considerations171
14.3 Remanufacturing173
14.4 Recycling173
14.4.1 Metals173
14.4.2 Plastics175
14.4.3 Forest Products176
14.5 Fastening Parts Together177
14.6 Planning for Recyclability177
14.6.1 Design for Disassembly177
14.6.2 Just-in-Case Designs180
14.6.3 Priorities for Recyclability180
Further Reading182
Chapter 15 An Introduction to Life-Cycle Assessment183
15.1 The Life Cycle of Industrial Products183
15.2 The LCA Framework186
15.3 Goal Setting and Scope Determination188
15.4 Defining Boundaries188
15.4.1 Life Stage Boundaries189
15.4.2 Level of Detail Boundaries189
15.4.3 The Natural Ecosystem Boundary190
15.4.4 Boundaries in Space and Time191
15.4.5 Choosing Boundaries191
15.5 Approaches to Data Acquisition191
Further Reading196
Chapter 16 The LCA Impact and Interpretation Stages197
16.1 LCA Impact Analysis197
16.2 Industrial Prioritization: The IVL/Volvo EPS System198
16.3 Interpretation Analysis204
16.3.1 Explicit and Implied Recommendations204
16.3.2 Prioritization Tables206
16.4 Prioritization Diagrams207
16.4.1 The Action-Agent Prioritization Diagram207
16.4.2 The Life-Stage Prioritization Diagram209
16.5 Discussion210
Further Reading211
Chapter 17 Streamlining the LCA Process214
17.1 The Assessment Continuum214
17.2 Preserving Perspective215
17.3 The SLCA Matrix216
17.4 Target Plots218
17.5 Assessing Generic Automobiles of Yesterday and Today218
17.6 SLCA Assets and Liabilities224
17.7 Discussion226
Further Reading226
Chapter 18 Using the Corporate Industrial Ecology Toolbox228
18.1 Stages and Scales in Industrial Environmental Management228
18.2 The First Stage: Regulatory Compliance228
18.3 The Second Stage: Pollution Prevention229
18.4 The Third Stage: Design for Environment230
18.5 Environmental Opportunities at the PRP Gates231
18.6 The Industrial Ecology Mechanic and the Toolbox234
18.7 Industrial Ecology Tools for the Service Sector235
Further Reading236
Chapter 19 Managing Industrial Ecology in the Corporation237
19.1 Overview237
19.2 Environment as Strategic for the Firm238
19.3 Implementing Industrial Ecology in the Corporation239
19.3.1 Environmental Management Systems240
19.3.2 Tactical Organizational Structures242
19.3.3 Training Programs242
19.3.4 Technical Support242
19.3.5 The Triple Bottom Line243
Further Reading244
Chapter 20 Indicators and Metrics245
20.1 The Importance of Indicators and Metrics245
20.2 Metric Systems Development246
20.3 Industry-Level Metrics248
20.4 Metrics Displays and Metrics Aggregation251
20.5 Hierarchical Metrics Systems252
Further Reading254
Chapter 21 Services Technology and Environment256
21.1 Defining Services256
21.1.1 Type Alpha Services: The Customer Comes to the Service258
21.1.2 Type Beta Services: The Service Goes to the Customer259
21.1.3 Type Gamma Services: Remote Provisioning259
21.2 The Environmental Dimensions of Services261
21.3 The Industrial Ecology of Service Firms263
21.3.1 Leverage Suppliers263
21.3.2 Educate Customers264
21.3.3 Facilitate Environmentally Preferable Resource and Product Use Patterns264
21.3.4 Substitution of Services for Energy and Material Use265
21.3.5 Services as a Source of Quality of Life265
Further Reading266
Chapter 22 Industrial Ecosystems268
22.1 The Ecosystems Concept268
22.2 Industrial Symbiosis273
22.3 Designing and Developing Symbiotic Industrial Ecosystems275
22.4 Resource Flow in Industrial Ecosystems277
22.5 Pattern and Scale in Industrial Ecosystems279
22.6 The Utility of Mixed Ecological Approaches281
Further Reading283
Chapter 23 Metabolic and Resource Analyses284
23.1 Budgets and Cycles284
23.2 Metabolic Analyses in Industrial Ecology289
23.3 Resource Analyses in Industrial Ecology291
23.3.1 Elemental Analyses292
23.3.2 Molecular Analyses292
23.3.3 Substance Analyses294
23.3.4 Material Analyses294
23.4 The Balance Between Natural and Anthropogenic Mobilization of Resources296
23.5 The Utility of Metabolic and Resource Analyses297
Further Reading298
Chapter 24 Systems Analysis, Models, and Scenario Development299
24.1 Thinking at the Systems Level299
24.1.1 The Systems Concept299
24.1.2 The Automotive Technology System301
24.2 Models of Technological Systems305
24.2.1 The Concept of a Model305
24.2.2 Iron and Steel in the U. K.: A Model Example306
24.2.3 Model Validation306
24.3 Describing Possible Futures308
24.3.1 The Utility of Scenarios308
24.3.2 The IMAGE Model for Climate Change309
24.3.3 IPCC 2000 Scenarios311
24.4 Developing a Predictive Industrial Ecology313
Further Reading314
Chapter 25 Earth Systems Engineering and Management316
25.1 Introducing the Concept316
25.2 Examples of ESEM, Implemented and Proposed317
25.2.1 Brownfields Restoration317
25.2.2 Dredging the Waters318
25.2.3 Restoring Regional-Scale Wetlands318
25.2.4 Combating Global Warming318
25.3 The Principles of ESEM323
25.3.1 Theoretical Principles of ESEM323
25.3.2 Governance Principles of ESEM323
25.3.3 Design and Engineering Principles of ESEM324
25.4 Facing the ESEM Question324
Further Reading326
Chapter 26 The Future of Industrial Ecology328
26.1 Industrial Ecology in the Midst of Change328
26.2 The Industrial Ecology Hardware Store329
26.2.1 Tools for the Product and Process Designer330
26.2.2 Tools for the Corporate Manager330
26.2.3 Tools for the Service Provider330
26.2.4 Tools for the Systematist331
26.2.5 Tools for the Policy Maker331
26.3 Industrial Ecology as an Evolving Science331
26.4 An Industrial Ecology Research Roadmap335
26.4.1 Theoretical Industrial Ecology Goals336
26.4.2 Experimental Industrial Ecology Goals336
26.4.3 Applied Industrial Ecology Goals337
26.5 Redefining the Challenge338
Further Reading338
Appendix A Electronic Solder Alternatives: A Detailed Case Study339
Appendix B Units of Measurement in Industrial Ecology349
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