
INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING WITH C++【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

  • ISBN:
  • 出版时间:2007
  • 标注页数:661页
  • 文件大小:156MB
  • 文件页数:663页
  • 主题词:


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Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers,Programs, and C++21

1.1 Introduction22

1.2 What Is a Computer?22

1.3 Programs25

1.4 Operating Systems27

1.5 (Optional) Number Systems28

1.6 History of C++31

1.7 A Simple C++ Program32

1.8 C++ Program Development Cycle33

1.9 Developing C++ Programs Using Visual C++35

1.10 Developing C++ Programs Using Dev-C++41

1.11 Developing C++ Programs from Command Line on Windows46

1.12 Developing C++ Programs on UNIX47

Chapter 2 Primitive Data Types and Operations51

2.1 Introduction52

2.2 Writing Simple Programs52

2.3 Reading Input from the Keyboard54

2.4 Omitting the std: Prefix55

2.5 Identifiers56

2.6 Variables56

2.7 Assignment Statements and Assignment Expressions57

2.8 Named Constants59

2.9 Numeric Data Types and Operations60

2.10 Numeric Type Conversions66

2.11 Character Data Type and Operations68

2.12 Case Studies70

2.13 Programming Style and Documentation75

2.14 Programming Errors76

2.15 Debugging77

Chapter 3 Selection Statements85

3.1 Introduction86

3.2 The bool Data Type86

3.3 i f Statements87

3.4 Example: Guessing Birth Dates89

3.5 Logical Operators91

3.6 if.else Statements94

3.7 Nested i f Statements95

3.8 Example: Computing Taxes97

3.9 Example: A Math Learning Tool100

3.10 swi tch Statements101

3.11 Conditional Expressions104

3.12 Formatting Output104

3.13 Operator Precedence and Associativity107

3.14 Enumerated Types109

Chapter 4 Loops119

4.1 Introduction120

4.2 The while Loop120

4.3 The do-while Loop124

4.4 The for Loop126

4.5 Which Loop to Use?129

4.6 Nested Loops130

4.7 Case Studies131

4.8 (Optional) Keywords break and continue136

4.9 Example: Displaying Prime Numbers138

4.10 (Optional) Simple File Input and Output140

Chapter 5 Functions153

5.1 Introduction154

5.2 Creating a Function154

5.3 Calling a Function155

5.4 void Functions157

5.5 Passing Parameters by Values159

5.6 Passing Parameters by References161

5.7 Overloading Functions163

5.8 Function Prototypes165

5.9 Default Arguments167

5.10 Case Study: Computing Taxes with Functions168

5.11 Reusing Functions by Different Programs170

5.12 Case Study: Generating Random Characters171

5.13 The Scope of Variables173

5.14 The Math Functions177

5.15 Function Abstraction and Stepwise Refinement177

5.16 (Optional) Inline Functions185

Chapter 6 Arrays199

6.1 Introduction200

6.2 Array Basics200

6.3 Passing Arrays to Functions207

6.4 Returning Arrays from Functions210

6.5 Searching Arrays212

6.6 Sorting Arrays215

6.7 Two-Dimensional Arrays218

6.8 (Optional) Multidimensional Arrays225

Chapter 7 Pointers and C-Strings237

7.1 Introduction238

7.2 Pointer Basics238

7.3 Passing Arguments by References with Pointers241

7.4 Arrays and Pointers242

7.5 Using const with Pointers244

7.6 Returning Pointers from Functions245

7.7 Dynamic Memory Allocation247

7.8 Case Studies: Counting the Occurrences of Each Letter249

7.9 Characters and Strings252

7.10 Case Studies: Checking Palindromes260

Chapter 8 Recursion269

8.1 Introduction270

8.2 Example: Factorials270

8.3 Example: Fibonacci Numbers272

8.4 Problem Solving Using Recursion274

8.5 Recursive Helper Functions276

8.6 Towers of Hanoi279

8.7 Recursion versus Iteration282


Chapter 9 Objects and Classes291

9.1 Introduction292

9.2 Defining Classes for Objects292

9.3 Constructors294

9.4 Object Names294

9.5 Separating Declaration from Implementation298

9.6 Accessing Object Members via Pointers300

9.7 Creating Dynamic Objects on Heap301

9.8 The C++ string Class301

9.9 Data Field Encapsulation305

9.10 The Scope of Variables308

9.11 The this Pointer310

9.12 Passing Objects to Functions311

9.13 Array of Objects313

9.14 Class Abstraction and Encapsulation315

9.15 Case Study: The Loan Class315

9.16 Constructor Initializer Lists319

Chapter 10 More on Objects and Classes329

10.1 Introduction330

10.2 Immutable Objects and Classes330

10.3 Preventing Multiple Declarations332

10.4 Instance and Static Members334

10.5 Destructors337

10.6 Copy Constructors339

10.7 Customizing Copy Constructors342

10.8 fri end Functions and fri end Classes344

10.9 Object Composition346

10.10 Case Study: The Course Class347

10.11 Case Study: The StackOfIntegers Class350

10.12 The C++ vector Class353

Chapter 11 Inheritance and Polymorphism361

11.1 Introduction362

11.2 Base Classes and Derived Classes362

11.3 Generic Programming368

11.4 Constructors and Destructors368

11.5 Redefining Functions371

11.6 Polymorphism and Virtual Functions372

11.7 The protected Keyword375

11.8 Abstract Classes and Pure Virtual Functions376

11.9 Dynamic Casting380

Chapter 12 File Input and Output391

12.1 Introduction392

12.2 Text I/O392

12.3 Formatting Output396

12.4 Member Functions: getline, get, and put397

12.5 f stream and File Open Modes400

12.6 Testing Stream States401

12.7 Binary I/O403

12.8 Random Access File410

12.9 Updating Files413

Chapter 13 Operator Overloading417

13.1 Introduction418

13.2 The Rational Class418

13.3 Operator Functions423

13.4 Overloading the Shorthand Operators425

13.5 Overloading the [] Operators425

13.6 Overloading the Unary Operators427

13.7 Overloading the ++ and —— Operators427

13.8 Overloading the << and >> Operators428

13.9 Object Conversion430

13.10 The New Rational Class431

13.11 Overloading the = Operators438

Chapter 14 Exception Handling443

14.1 Introduction444

14.2 Exception-Handling Overview444

14.3 Exception-Handling Advantages446

14.4 Exception Classes447

14.5 Custom Exception Classes450

14.6 Multiple Catches455

14.7 Exception Propagation458

14.8 Rethrowing Exceptions460

14.9 Exception Specification461

14.10 When to Use Exceptions462


Chapter 15 Templates469

15.1 Introduction470

15.2 Templates Basics470

15.3 Example: A Generic Sort472

15.4 Class Templates474

15.5 Improving the Stack Class480

Chapter 16 Linked Lists, Stacks, and Queues487

16.1 Introduction488

16.2 Nodes488

16.3 The Li nkedLi st Class489

16.4 Implementing Li nkedLi st492

16.5 Variations of Linked Lists502

16.6 Implementing Stack Using a Li nkedLi st502

16.7 Queues504

16.8 (Optional) Iterators506

Chapter 17 Trees, Heaps, and Priority Queues515

17.1 Introduction516

17.2 Binary Trees516

17.3 Heaps524

17.4 Priority Queues529

Chapter 18 Algorithm Efficiency and Sorting535

18.1 Introduction536

18.2 Estimating Algorithm Efficiency536

18.3 Bubble Sort541

18.4 Merge Sort543

18.5 Quick Sort547

18.6 Heap Sort551

18.7 External Sort552
