电路基础 改编版 英文【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)亚历山大,(美)萨迪库原著;高歌改编 著
- 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
- ISBN:9787302175223
- 出版时间:2008
- 标注页数:612页
- 文件大小:113MB
- 文件页数:627页
- 主题词:电路理论-双语教学-教材-英文
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PART 1 DC Circuits2
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts3
1.1 Introduction4
1.2 Systems of Units4
1.3 Charge and Current6
1.4 Voltage9
1.5 Power and Energy9
1.6 Circuit Elements13
1.7 +Applications15
1.7.1 TV Picture Tube15
1.7.2 Electricity Bills17
1.8 +Problem Solving18
1.9 Summary21
Review Questions22
Chapter 2 Basic Laws27
2.1 Introduction28
2.2 Ohm's Law28
2.3 Nodes,Branches,and Loops33
2.4 Kirchhoff's Laws35
2.5 Series Resistors and Voltage Division41
2.6 Parallel Resistors and Current Division43
2.7 Wye-Delta Transformations50
2.8 +Applications56
2.8.1 Lighting Systems56
2.8.2 Design of DC Meters58
2.9 Summary61
Review Questions63
Chapter 3 Methods of Analysis69
3.1 Introduction70
3.2 Nodal Analysis70
3.3 Nodal Analysis with Voltage Sources76
3.4 Mesh Analysis81
3.5 Mesh Analysis with Current Sources86
3.6 +Nodal and Mesh Analyses by Inspection88
3.7 Nodal Versus Mesh Analysis91
3.8 +Applications92
DC Transistor Circuits92
3.9 Summary95
Review Questions96
Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems101
4.1 Introduction102
4.2 Linearity Property102
4.3 Superposition104
4.4 Source Transformation109
4.5 Thevenin's Theorem113
4.6 Norton's Theorem119
4.7 Maximum Power Transfer123
4.8 +Applications125
4.8.1 Source Modeling125
4.8.2 Resistance Measurement127
4.9 Summary130
Review Questions131
Chapter 5 Capacitors and Inductors137
5.1 Introduction138
5.2 Capacitors138
5.3 Series and Parallel Capacitors144
5.4 Inductors148
5.5 Series and Parallel Inductors152
5.6 +Applications155
Photoflash Unit156
5.7 Summary158
Review Questions158
Chapter 6 First-Order Circuits163
6.1 Introduction164
6.2 The Source-Free RC Circuit164
6.3 The Source-Free RL Circuit169
6.4 Singularity Functions175
6.5 Step Response of an RC Circuit183
6.6 Step Response of an RL Circuit190
6.7 +Applications194
6.7.1 Delay Circuits194
6.7.2 Relay Circuits196
6.8 Summary198
Review Questions199
Chapter 7 Second-Order Circuits205
7.1 Introduction206
7.2 Finding Initial and Final Values206
7.3 The Source-Free Series RLC Circuit211
7.4 The Source-Free Parallel RLC Circuit218
7.5 Step Response of a Series RLC Circuit223
7.6 Step Response of a Parallel RLC Circuit228
7.7 General Second-Order Circuits231
7.8 +Applications236
Automobile Ignition System236
7.9 Summary238
Review Questions238
PART 2 AC Circuits244
Chapter 8 Sinusoids and Phasors245
8.1 Introduction246
8.2 Sinusoids247
8.3 Phasors251
8.4 Phasor Relationships for Circuit Elements259
8.5 Impedance and Admittance261
8.6 Kirchhoff's Laws in the Frequency Domain263
8.7 Impedance Combinations264
8.8 +Applications270
8.9 Summary272
Review Questions273
Chapter 9 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis277
9.1 Introduction278
9.2 Nodal Analysis278
9.3 Mesh Analysis281
9.4 Superposition Theorem285
9.5 Source Transformation288
9.6 Thevenin and Norton Equivalent Circuits290
9.7 +Applications295
AC Bridges295
9.8 Summary297
Review Questions298
Chapter 10 AC Power Analysis303
10.1 Introduction304
10.2 Instantaneous and Average Power304
10.3 Maximum Average Power Transfer310
10.4 Effective or RMS Value313
10.5 Apparent Power and Power Factor316
10.6 Complex Power319
10.7 +Conservation of AC Power323
10.8 Power Factor Correction327
10.9 +Applications329
10.9.1 Power Measurement329
10.9.2 Electricity Consumption Cost331
10.10 Summary334
Review Questions335
Chapter 11 Three-Phase Circuits341
11.1 Introduction342
11.2 Balanced Three-Phase Voltages343
11.3 Balanced Wye-Wye Connection346
11.4 Balanced Wye-Delta Connection350
11.5 Balanced Delta-Delta Connection352
11.6 Balanced Delta-Wye Connection354
11.7 Power in a Balanced System357
11.8 +Unbalanced Three-Phase Systems363
11.9 +Applications367
11.9.1 Three-Phase Power Measurement367
11.9.2 Residential Wiring372
11.10 Summary375
Review Questions375
Chapter 12 Magnetically Coupled Circuits381
12.1 Introduction382
12.2 Mutual Inductance382
12.3 Energy in a Coupled Circuit390
12.4 Linear Transformers393
12.5 Ideal Transformers399
12.6 +Applications407
12.6.1 Transformer as an Isolation Device407
12.6.2 Transformer as a Matching Device409
12.7 Summary410
Review Questions411
Chapter 13 Frequency Response417
13.1 Introduction418
13.2 Transfer Function418
13.3 Series Resonance421
13.4 Parallel Resonance426
13.5 Passive Filters429
13.5.1 Lowpass Filter430
13.5.2 Highpass Filter431
13.5.3 Bandpass Filter431
13.5.4 Bandstop Filter432
13.6 Computation Using MATLAB434
13.7 +Applications436
13.7.1 Radio Receiver436
13.7.2 Touch-Tone Telephone439
13.8 Summary440
Review Questions441
PART 3 Advanced Circuit Analysis445
Chapter 14 The Laplace Transform447
14.1 Introduction448
14.2 Definition of the Laplace Transform448
14.3 Properties of the Laplace Transform451
14.4 The Inverse Laplace Transform462
14.4.1 Simple Poles462
14.4.2 Repeated Poles463
14.4.3 Complex Poles464
14.5 Circuit Element Models469
14.6 Circuit Analysis475
14.7 Transfer Functions479
14.8 +Applications483
14.8.1 Network Stability484
14.8.2 Network Synthesis487
14.9 Summary490
Review Questions491
Chapter 15 The Fourier Series495
15.1 Introduction496
15.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series496
15.3 Symmetry Considerations504
15.3.1 Even Symmetry504
15.3.2 Odd Symmetry506
15.3.3 Half-Wave Symmetry508
15.4 Circuit Applications514
15.5 Average Power and RMS Values518
15.6 +Applications521
15.6.1 Spectrum Analyzers522
15.6.2 Filters522
15.7 Summary525
Review Questions527
Chapter 16 Two-Port Networks533
16.1 Introduction534
16.2 Impedance Parameters534
16.3 Admittance Parameters539
16.4 Hybrid Parameters542
16.5 Transmission Parameters545
16.6 +Relationships Between Parameters549
16.7 Interconnection of Networks552
16.8 +Applications558
Ladder Network Synthesis558
16.9 Summary561
Review Questions562
Appendix A Simultaneous Equations and Matrix Inversion568
Appendix B Complex Numbers577
Appendix C MATLAB584
Appendix D Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems603
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