
- 刘铁华编 著
- 出版社: 东方书社
- 出版时间:1944
- 标注页数:64页
- 文件大小:28MB
- 文件页数:71页
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(一)重逢(Reunion)(Lihua 李桦)1
(一)重逢(Reunion)(Lihua 李桦)1
(二)春耕(Tilling in spring)(Wucha 沃查)2
(二)春耕(Tilling in spring)(Wucha 沃查)2
(三)伐树(Cutting the tree)(L?chi?n 力 群)3
(三)伐树(Cutting the tree)(L?chi?n 力 群)3
(四)学木刻(Learning woodcut)(Chen yan Chiao 陈烟?)4
(四)学木刻(Learning woodcut)(Chen yan Chiao 陈烟?)4
(五)哥哥的假期(Returning from the front)(Ku Yuan 古元)5
(五)哥哥的假期(Returning from the front)(Ku Yuan 古元)5
(六)胜利的微笑(Trium phant smile)(Lu Hung Ki 庐鸿基)6
(六)胜利的微笑(Trium phant smile)(Lu Hung Ki 庐鸿基)6
(七)逃亡(Escapipg)(Yeh Fu 野夫)7
(七)逃亡(Escapipg)(Yeh Fu 野夫)7
(八)海上英雄(Heroes on the sea)(Sin Po 新波)8
(八)海上英雄(Heroes on the sea)(Sin Po 新波)8
(九)民众的武装(G?erilia units)(Tieh keng 铁耕)9
(九)民众的武装(G?erilia units)(Tieh keng 铁耕)9
(十)运输(Transportation)(Liu chi?h An 刘建庵)10
(十)运输(Transportation)(Liu chi?h An 刘建庵)10
(十一)抗日的火把(Torches)(Lo Tsinp Chen 罗清祯)11
(十一)抗日的火把(Torches)(Lo Tsinp Chen 罗清祯)11
(十二)秋收(Harvesting in Autumn)(Liu Lun 刘?)12
(十二)秋收(Harvesting in Autumn)(Liu Lun 刘?)12
(十三)故乡(Native Place )(Tuan Kan Tsing 段干青)13
(十三)故乡(Native Place )(Tuan Kan Tsing 段干青)13
(十四)写成抗日之歌(Com?os?ng)(Ma Ta 马达)14
(十四)写成抗日之歌(Com?os?ng)(Ma Ta 马达)14
(十五)清野(Clearing ou?)(Kiang Feng 江峰)15
(十五)清野(Clearing ou?)(Kiang Feng 江峰)15
(十六)敌人的残暴(At?o?ties of thenemy)(Chang Hwei 张慧)16
(十六)敌人的残暴(At?o?ties of thenemy)(Chang Hwei 张慧)16
(十七)丰富的后方(四川)(The ?ich Szech?e? )(Shan Mo Chun 尚莫宗)17
(十七)丰富的后方(四川)(The ?ich Szech?e? )(Shan Mo Chun 尚莫宗)17
(十八)为战士缝衣裳(So?ing for the warrlors)(Chiao Sin Ho 焦心河)18
(十八)为战士缝衣裳(So?ing for the warrlors)(Chiao Sin Ho 焦心河)18
(十九)残敌的搜索(Rummaging the ?est of the enemi?)(Hunag Yen 荒烟)19
(十九)残敌的搜索(Rummaging the ?est of the enemi?)(Hunag Yen 荒烟)19
(廿)新工业(New ?ndustry)(Sung Ping Heng 宋秉恒)20
(廿)新工业(New ?ndustry)(Sung Ping Heng 宋秉恒)20
(廿一)保卫我们的资源(Defending our resources)(Chu Ming kang 朱鸣岗)21
(廿一)保卫我们的资源(Defending our resources)(Chu Ming kang 朱鸣岗)21
(廿二)追击(Pursuing the enemg)(Lokung Liu 罗工柳)22
(廿二)追击(Pursuing the enemg)(Lokung Liu 罗工柳)22
(廿三)嘉陵江畔(On the bank of Kialin? River)(Wang Chi 王琦)23
(廿三)嘉陵江畔(On the bank of Kialin? River)(Wang Chi 王琦)23
(廿四)太行山上(On the Taihang mountain?)(Shieh Tze Wen 谢梓文)24
(廿四)太行山上(On the Taihang mountain?)(Shieh Tze Wen 谢梓文)24
(廿五)台儿庄人捷(T?umph at Taier ?ng)(chon Chiu 陈九)25
(廿五)台儿庄人捷(T?umph at Taier ?ng)(chon Chiu 陈九)25
(廿六)苗区民众慰劳战士(Miaotges comofrtiog the wa?iors)(Hwang Jung 黄荣灿)26
(廿六)苗区民众慰劳战士(Miaotges comofrtiog the wa?iors)(Hwang Jung 黄荣灿)26
(廿七)母子(Mo her and son)(Si Ya 西崖)27
(廿七)母子(Mo her and son)(Si Ya 西崖)27
(廿八)扫除文盲(Clearing out the illiterates)(Lin yang Tsang 林仰峥)28
(廿八)扫除文盲(Clearing out the illiterates)(Lin yang Tsang 林仰峥)28
(廿九)耕(Tilling)(Wang Shu Yi 王树?)29
(廿九)耕(Tilling)(Wang Shu Yi 王树?)29
(卅)秧歌?(Dancing)(Tai Chao Yang 泰兆阳)30
(卅)秧歌?(Dancing)(Tai Chao Yang 泰兆阳)30
(卅一)塞外健儿(Gue?illa unitsin th? No?h-East)(Ch?ng Wang 张望)31
(卅一)塞外健儿(Gue?illa unitsin th? No?h-East)(Ch?ng Wang 张望)31
(卅二)收获(Harves ting)(Liu Ti?h Hua ?铁华)32
(卅二)收获(Harves ting)(Liu Ti?h Hua ?铁华)32
(卅三)武装的教堂(The church)(Li Chiin 力群)33
(卅三)武装的教堂(The church)(Li Chiin 力群)33
(卅四)运输(Transportation)(Li Hua 李桦)34
(卅四)运输(Transportation)(Li Hua 李桦)34
(卅五)游击队(Guerilla unit)(Wu Cha 沃查)35
(卅五)游击队(Guerilla unit)(Wu Cha 沃查)35
(卅六)西北特产(Praducts in the North west)(Ku Yuan 古元)36
(卅六)西北特产(Praducts in the North west)(Ku Yuan 古元)36
(卅七)学习(Learning)(Ku Yuan 古元)37
(卅七)学习(Learning)(Ku Yuan 古元)37
(卅八)好消息(Good news)(Li Hua 李桦)38
(卅八)好消息(Good news)(Li Hua 李桦)38
(卅九)升旗(Hoisting the flag)(Huang Yen 荒烟)39
(卅九)升旗(Hoisting the flag)(Huang Yen 荒烟)39
(四十)丰收(Rich Ha?vest)(Ku Yuan 古元)40
(四十)丰收(Rich Ha?vest)(Ku Yuan 古元)40
(四一)救护(The First aid)(Wu Cha 沃查)41
(四一)救护(The First aid)(Wu Cha 沃查)41
(四二)扩大生产坚持抗战到底(Prodnction movement)(Ku Yuan 古元)42
(四二)扩大生产坚持抗战到底(Prodnction movement)(Ku Yuan 古元)42
(四三)西北风光(Landseape inthe Norh-west)(Liu Tieh Huo 刘铁华)43
(四三)西北风光(Landseape inthe Norh-west)(Liu Tieh Huo 刘铁华)43
(四四)瞭望(Cn sentry)(Sin Go 新波)44
(四四)瞭望(Cn sentry)(Sin Go 新波)44
(四五)牧羊(Shepherd)(Ku Yuan 古元)45
(四五)牧羊(Shepherd)(Ku Yuan 古元)45
(四六)饮(Drinking)(Huang Yen 荒烟)46
(四六)饮(Drinking)(Huang Yen 荒烟)46
(四七)离婚(Divorce)(Ku Yuan 古元)47
(四七)离婚(Divorce)(Ku Yuan 古元)47
(四十八)捷报(Triumphant News)(Liu Tieh Hua 刘铁华)48
(四十八)捷报(Triumphant News)(Liu Tieh Hua 刘铁华)48
(四十九)百合(Lil?es)(英)(B.M.Arthur 亚赛尔)49
(四十九)百合(Lil?es)(英)(B.M.Arthur 亚赛尔)49
海底(At the bottom of the sea)(英)(A.M.Parker 安琪尼斯、密娜、派克)50
海底(At the bottom of the sea)(英)(A.M.Parker 安琪尼斯、密娜、派克)50
死(Death)(德)(K.Kouwity 凯绥、珂勒惠文)51
死(Death)(德)(K.Kouwity 凯绥、珂勒惠文)51
请求(App?aling)(德)(Ladanyizz 拉登易兹)52
请求(App?aling)(德)(Ladanyizz 拉登易兹)52
国防建设(Constructions of Nationol Defemes)(苏)(Faverbky 法复尔斯基)53
国防建设(Constructions of Nationol Defemes)(苏)(Faverbky 法复尔斯基)53
伐木(Cutting wood)(苏 斯达洛诺索夫)54
伐木(Cutting wood)(苏 斯达洛诺索夫)54
农村(Country woman)(苏)(Starono?ov 无名氏)55
农村(Country woman)(苏)(Starono?ov 无名氏)55
无家可归(Homeless neso)(苏)(Ananymnus 波列珂夫)56
无家可归(Homeless neso)(苏)(Ananymnus 波列珂夫)56
风景(L?ndscape)(苏)(Polekhov 君士坦丁诺夫)57
风景(L?ndscape)(苏)(Polekhov 君士坦丁诺夫)57
列宁高尔基与?的谈话(Talkin? between Lenin Gorky and the ?my)(苏)(Constantinov 波列珂夫)58
列宁高尔基与?的谈话(Talkin? between Lenin Gorky and the ?my)(苏)(Constantinov 波列珂夫)58
给敌人的打击(S?riking the cnemy)(苏)(V.N.Rostovchev 洛思托夫契夫)60
给敌人的打击(S?riking the cnemy)(苏)(V.N.Rostovchev 洛思托夫契夫)60
莫斯科的罗马式建筑(The Roman building in moscow bombed by Germanin 1941) (一九四一年为德机炸毁)(苏)(史拉甫?珂 Krav henko)61
莫斯科的罗马式建筑(The Roman building in moscow bombed by Germanin 1941) (一九四一年为德机炸毁)(苏)(史拉甫?珂 Krav henko)61
库拉河之春(The Volga River)(苏)(Pavlov 巴甫洛夫)62
库拉河之春(The Volga River)(苏)(Pavlov 巴甫洛夫)62
克姆林宫外的教堂(The church outside kremiin)(苏)(Kravcheeko 克拉甫兼珂)63
克姆林宫外的教堂(The church outside kremiin)(苏)(Kravcheeko 克拉甫兼珂)63
母子(Mother and son)(Shahonovskaya)(苏)(Kravcheeko 克拉甫兼珂)64
母子(Mother and son)(Shahonovskaya)(苏)(Kravcheeko 克拉甫兼珂)64
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