
- 孙茂强,李传良主编 著
- 出版社: 北京:经济科学出版社
- ISBN:7505827480
- 出版时间:2001
- 标注页数:808页
- 文件大小:9MB
- 文件页数:821页
- 主题词:暂缺
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Chapter 1. Enterprise Financing and Guarantee1
1.1 Direct and Indirect Financing1
第一章 企业融资与担保1
第一节 直接融资与间接融资1
1.2 Characteristic of Small Enterprise Financing4
第二节 小企业融资的特点4
第三节 企业资本结构与融资决策13
1.3 Enterprise Capital Structure and Financing Decision-making13
第四节 担保在融资中的作用21
1.4 Function of Guarantee in Financing21
Chapter 2.Guarantee of Bank Loan30
2.1 Category of Bank Loan30
第二章 银行贷款担保30
第一节 银行贷款种类30
2.2 Basis for Bank Loan32
第二节 银行贷款依据32
第三节 贷款担保33
2.3 Loan Guarantee33
AppendixⅠ:The General Rule of Loan40
AppendixⅡ:Guidance on Loan Risk Classification Trial Implementation58
AppendixⅢ:RMB Funding Contract73
第三章 项目融资担保78
第一节 项目融资的功能、结构78
3.1 Function and Structure of Project Financing78
Chapter 3.Guarantee in Project Financing78
第二节 项目融资的风险89
3.2 Risks of Project Financing89
3.3 Guarantee in Project Financing92
第三节 项目融资中的担保92
第四章 资产证券化中的担保99
Chapter 4.Guarantee in Assets Securitization99
4.1 Principles and Features of Assets Securitization99
第一节 资产证券化原理、特征99
4.2 Role of guarantor in Assets Securitization117
第二节 担保人在资产证券化中的作用117
第三节 资产证券化的法律环境需求129
4.3 Requirement of Legal Environment in Assets Securitization129
5.1 Function and Category of Factoring135
Chapter 5.Factoring and Guarantee135
第五章 保付代理与担保135
第一节 保付代理的功能、分类135
5.2 Guarantor in Factoring——Factor143
第二节 保理业务中的担保人——保理商143
5.3 Contents of Factoring Agreement150
第三节 保理协议的主要内容150
5.4 Operation Means of Factoring154
第四节 保理业务的一般操作方法154
第五节 国际双保理机制的业务流程167
5.5 Business Flow of International two factor system167
5.6 Feasibility of Factoring in China170
第六节 我国开办保理业务的现实可行性170
Chapter 6.Guarantee in International Financing176
第一节 国际融资的形式176
第六章 国际融资担保176
6.1 Forms of International Financing176
6.2 Role of Guarantee in International Financing186
第二节 担保在国际融资中的作用186
Chapter 7.Bank Letter of Guarantee193
第七章 银行担保193
7.1 Introduction to Letter of Guarantee193
第一节 银行担保概述193
7.2 Financing Letter Format206
第二节 融资类保函格式206
8.1 Policy Financing Guarantee(Ⅰ)212
第八章 国际专业担保机构的融资担保业务212
Chapter 8.Financing Guarantee in International Guarantee Institutions212
第一节 政策性融资担保(一)212
第二节 政策性融资担保(二)247
8.2 Policy Financing Guarantee(Ⅱ)247
8.3 Commercial Financing Guarantee253
第三节 商业性融资担保253
第四节 政策性担保与商业性担保业务的结合259
8.4 Combination of Policy Guarantee and Commercial Financing Guarantee259
8.5 Other kinds of Guarantees with Financing Functions261
第五节 具有融资功能的其他担保种类261
第九章 担保基金组建与运作267
Chapter 9.Founding Principle and Operational Process of Guarantee Fund267
第一节 信用担保基金的可行性研究268
9.1 Feasibility Study of Founding Guarantee Fund268
9.2 Management of Guarantee Fund and Guarantee Business291
第二节 担保基金和担保业务管理办法291
第三节 担保项目的申请320
9.3 Application for Guarantee Projects320
9.4 Assessment of Guarantee Projects325
第四节 担保项目的评审325
第五节 反担保措施331
9.5 Measures of Counter Guaranty331
Chapter 10.Basis of Guaranty Law335
第十章 担保法基础概要335
第一节 担保法基础理论335
10.1 Basic Theory of Guaranty Law335
第二节 担保方式的分类339
10.2 Category of Guaranty Means339
10.3 Effects of Guaranty Contracts341
第三节 担保合同效力341
10.4 Differentiation and Analysis of Basic Concepts in Guaranty Law344
第四节 容易混淆的担保法基础概念辨析344
第十一章 保证担保法律实务要点368
第一节 保证法律基础理论与规定要点368
Chapter 11.Legal Practice in Suretyship368
11.1 Legal Theory and Essentials in Suretyship368
第二节 常见保证法律实用问题381
11.2 Suretyship Law in Practice381
第三节 保证担保案例解析398
11.3 Case Study in Suretyship398
Appendix1: Key to Questions for Discussion447
Appendix2: Suretyship Contract467
第十二章 抵押担保法律实务要点470
第一节 抵押法律基础理论与规定要点470
12.1 Legal theory and Essentials in Mortgage470
Chapter 12.Legal Practice in Mortgage470
12.2 Mortgage Law in Practice489
第二节 常见抵押法律实用问题489
Appendix1: Key to Questions for Discussion509
Appendix2: Mortgage Contract518
Appendix3: Housing Mortgage Loan Contract522
第一节 质押法律基础理论与实务要点534
第十三章 质押担保法律实务要点534
Chapter 13.Legal Practice in Pledge534
13.1 Legal Theory and Practice Essentials in Pledge534
13.2 Pledge in Practice556
第二节 常见质押法律应用问题556
13.3 Case Study in Pledge564
第三节 质押案例解析564
Appendix1: Key to Questions for Discussion571
Appendix2: Pledge Contract (1-4)577
14.1 Principle of Guaranty Assessment611
第一节 担保标的物估价原则611
Chapter 14.Guaranty Assessment(Ⅰ)611
第十四章 担保物评估(一)611
第二节 担保物估价的一般方法616
14.2 General Means of Guaranty Assesment616
14.3 Determining the Mortgage Rate629
第三节 抵押率的确定629
14.4 Handling, Disposition, Certification and Insurance of Guaranties635
第四节 担保物的占管、处分、公证与保险635
15.1 Fixed Asset Assessment643
Chapter 15.Guaranty Assessment(Ⅱ)643
第一节 固定资产估价643
第十五章 担保物评估(二)643
15.2 Features and Category of Machinery Equipment Assessment647
第二节 机器设备估价特点及分类647
15.3 Theory and Practice in Real Estate Assessment651
第三节 房地产估价理论及实务651
15.4 Storage, Production, Products and other Circulating Assets Assessment662
第四节 储备、生产、产品、其他流动资产的估价662
第五节 无形资产估价667
15.5 Intangible Assets Assessment667
15.6 Bond Assessment673
第六节 债券的估价673
15.7 Assessment of Project Under Construction694
第七节 在建工程资产的估价694
Chapter 16.Improvements of Enterprise Financing Means697
16.1 Improving Basic Environment for Financing and Guaranty697
第一节 融资与担保基础环境的完善697
第十六章 企业融资方式的完善697
16.2 Improving Indirect Financing Means704
第二节 间接融资方式的完善704
16.3 Improving Direct Financing Means706
第三节 直接融资方式的完善706
Distinguishing Accusations in Criminal Law712
Guaranty Law of the People s Republic of China740
Legal Interpretation of Some Issues Regarding the Guaranty law by the Supreme People Court756
Interim Regulation of Risk Management of Middle and Small Financial Guarantee Institutions issued by the Ministry of Finance776
Guidance Suggestions on Building Credit Guarantee System of Medium and Small Enterprise by the State Economy and Trade Committee779
Notice Concerning Some Issues of MSEs Creait Guarantee System by the State Econommy and Trade Committee787
Rules on Foreign Exchange Guarantee by Resident Institutions in China789
Notice Concerning Exemption from SMEs Guarantee and Re-Guarantee institutions by the State Administration of Taxation793
Temporary Means Concerning Buiding Reserve for Risk and Limit Compensation for Lost of Repayment Guarantee in Zhongguancun Science Park794
The General Rule of Absolute Guarantee by the International Chamber of Commerce798
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