

  • 龚光期等编著 著
  • 出版社: 合肥:安徽教育出版社
  • ISBN:7276·68
  • 出版时间:1984
  • 标注页数:413页
  • 文件大小:9MB
  • 文件页数:441页
  • 主题词:


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abandon desert forsake give up relinquish2

ability capacity capability3

able capable competent4

above over5

abolish cancel5

absorb assimilate digest6

abundant copious plentiful7

academy college institute university8

accident event incident occurrence10

accept receive10

acclamation applause11

accomplish achieve complelte end finish fulfil12

accumulation collection14

according as according to14

accurate correct exact15

ache pain pang16

accuse charge16

acknowledge admit confess17

across through18

acquaintance familiarity18

adapt adjust19

act action deed19

adorn docorate ornament20

advantage benefit profit21

advance progress21

advice counsel22

affair business matter23

affirm assert24

affect assume pretend24

afraid fear25

after behind26

age epoch era period27

after an hour in an hour27

ago before28

agree correspond coincide29

agreeable pleasant pleasing30

agree to agree with30

aid assist help31

alike like32

all…not none33

all whole33

allow let permit34

already yet35

also as well either too36

alter change37

alternative choice preference38

although though39

altogether all together40

altitude height40

always frequently often41

amaze astonish surprise42


anger fury indignation rage44

ancient antique44

announce declare proclaim45

animal beast45

another other46

answer reply respond47

any some48

anthem song48

anyway any way49

appear emerage loom50

apparent evident obvious50

appear look seem51

appearance aspect52

appoint assign53

appendix supplement53

ardour zeal54

appraise estimate evaluate54

area district region55

argue debate discuss dispute56

armament army forces military troops57

arise rise57

arms weapon58

arrive get(to)reach59

as because for since60

as during when while61

ashamed humiliated mortified63

ascend climb mount63

ask beg claim request64

asleep sleepy66

ask inquire66

at in67

assent consent67

attend join join in take part in68

at a distance at some distance in the distance68

avenge revenge69

avoid shun70

awake awaken wake waken71

await wait71

awful dreadful fearful horrible terrible72

baby child infant73

bag sack74

banish exile75

baggage luggage75

banquet dinner feast76

banner colours flag pennant76

bare naked77

base basis foundation78

barren sterile78

be do make79

bay cove gulf79

be able to can80

beak bill81

bear endure stand82

bear carry82

beat hit strike83

beautiful good-looking handsome pretty84

before long long before85

begin commence start86

below beneath under87

behaviour conduct87

besides except88

big great large89

bet wager89

blush flush91

blame censure reproach91

boat ship92

born borne93

bonnet cap hat93

both either neither94

borrow lend94

bough branch limb95

brief short96

breast chest96

broad wide97

bring fetch take97

build set up98

bullet cartridge shell shot99

building edifice structure99

burden load100

buy purchase101

business employment occupation101

call at call on102

cabin cottage102

calling craft profession trade vocation103

calm quiet silent still104

candid frank outspoken105

care concern solicitude106

capture catch106

care about care for107

carry convey transport108

careful cautious108

cause occasion109

case instance109

caution warn110

cause reason110

cease pause stop111

celebrate congratulate112

certain sure113

center middle113

chance occasion opportunity114

character individuality personality115

channel strait115

chief head116

China china117

childish childlike117

choose elect pick(out)select118

city town119

cite quote119

civil courteous polite120

clean neat tidy121

civilization culture121

clever wise122

close shut123

climate weather123

clothes clothing coat costume dress124

clutch grasp seize125

cohere glue stick126

coast seashore seaside126

cold cool127

collected composed128

collect gather128

combine connect join unite129

colour hue129

comfortable comforting130

comic comical131

comfort console131

command direct order132

common general ordinary universal usual133

commission committee133

complain grumble135

compare to compare with135

conference congress136

conceal hide136

conduct guide lead137

conceit pride137

conjecture guess surmise138

contagious infectious139

consist constitute139

contemn despise disdain scorn140

content satisfaction141

contradict deny142

continue go on proceed142

connvince persuade143

contrary opposite143

cordial hearty144

cost price145

correct revise145

costly dear expensive146

countenance face features visage147

cover go walk148

couple pair148

crawl creep149

crime sin vice150

crazy mad150

crisis emergency151

crop harvest yield152

cry shout153

crowd mob swarm throng153

cry sob weep154

custom habit155

cup glass155

curious inquisitive156

cure heal156

damp moist wet157

danger hazard jeopardy peril risk158

dangerous in danger159

dark dim160

dare venture160

date day161

decay decompose rot162

dead lifeless162

decide determine resolve163

dedicate devote164

decided decisive164

deep profound165

delay defer postpone166

delicious luscious166

delight joy pleasure167

deluge flood168

difference distinction168

depart leave set out start169

demolish destroy169

depend rely170

desire hope want wish171

despair desperation173

destruction ruin174

different various175

die perish175

difficult hard176

disappear vanish177

director headmaster president principal schoolmaster177

digest summary177

discharge dismiss fire178

discover find invent179

discipline training179

disgrace shame180

dish plate181

disgust dislike181

dirty filthy foul182

disinterested uninterested182

dissolve melt183

display exhibit183

distant far remote184

distinguished famous well-known185

distinguish discriminate185

divide separate186

diversity variety186

doctor physician surgeon187

door gate188

doctrine principle188

doubt suspect189

drag draw pull haul190

drench soak wet191

dressmaker tailor192

dress put on wear192

drill exercise practice193

drift float193

drink gulp sip194

drug medicine195

drive ride195

drunk drunken196

dumb mute197

due to owing to197

duty obligation198

each every199

each time every time200

each other one another200

each day every day200

earth ground soil201

earth globe201

easy simple202

economical frugal thrift203

economic economical203

effort endeavour exertion204

effective efficient204

elder older205

empty vacant206

emotion feeling passion206

engine machine machinery207

enemy foe207

English people Englishman the English208

England Great Britain the Commonwealth of Nations the United Kingdom208

enormous huge immense209

enlarge increase209

enough sufficient210

equal equivalent211

entrance entry211


equip furnish212

escape flee get away run away213

especial special214

estate fortune property215

essential necessary215

esteem honour respect216

eternal everlasting permenant perpetual217

everybody everyone every one218

every three days every third day218

everyday every day219

evidence proof testimony witness220

exceedingly excessively221

exam examination quiz test221

excursion journey travel trip tour voyage222

exhausted tired weary223

excuse forgive pardon223

expand extend224

explain interpret225

expend spend225

fable story tale226

factory mill plant works227

fairly quite rather228

falsehood lie230

false counterfeit230

family home house231

farmer peasant232

farm fields232

fashion style233

farther further233

fast quick rapid swift234

feeble frail weak235

feast feastival holiday235

feed fodder236

female feminine237

feed on live on237

few little(a few a little)238

fever heat238

figure form shape239

final last ultimate240

fine good nice241

find look for241

fit suitable proper242

flash glitter sparkle243

fit suit243

flesh meat244

flavour taste244

flock herd pack swarm shoal245

fluid liquid246

floor storey(story)246

fog haze mist smog247

forbid prohibit248

foolish silly stupid248

force might power strength249

forenoon morning250

fortunate lucky251

foretell predict prophesy251

fountain spring252

forward onward252

fragrance odour perfume scent smell253

free liberate release set free254

freedom liberty255

fresh new256

gain secure win256

game match tournament257

game play sport258

gape gaze glance stare259

gaol jail prison259

garden park260

gasoline oil petrol petroleum261

genius gift talent262

get home go home263

gentle mild meek263

gift present264

get ready prepare264

give present265

girl lass maid265

give back return266

glad happy joyful pleasant267

glove mitt(mitten)268

gold golden269

go to bed go to sleep269

go for send for269

good well270

govern rule271

grand magnificent splendid272

grateful thankful273

grass herb weed273

grave serious274

greet hail salute275

grave tomb275

grief sadness sorrow276

guest visitor277

groan moan277

happen occur take place278

hand in hand hand to hand278

harbour port279

hardly scarcely280

harm hurt injury wound281

hasten hurry282

have have got posses there be283

have to must285

have been to have gone to285

healthy healthful286

heap pile287

healthy well287

hear hear from hear of288

hear listen listen for listen in listen to289

heart mind soul spi rit290

heavy weighty291

heaven sky291

here in here292

hill mount mountain293

high lofty tall293

hinder obstruct prevent294

hint insinuate suggest295

hire pay salary wage296

hoist lift raise297

historic historical297

holy sacred298

holiday vacation298

hop jump leap skip299

hotel inn300

hot warm300

how many how much301

hour o’clock301

hundred hundreds302

idea opinion thought view303

idle indolent lazy slothful304

if in case provided suppose305

if only as long as306

if whether306

implement instrument tool307

ill sick307

in into308

in front of in the front of309

in charge in charge of on a charge of309

in the air on the air310

in future in the future for the future310

in the way on the way311

in the east of on the east of to the east of311

in time in no time on time punctual312

inform notify313

income revenue313

insist persist314

inhabit live314

introduce present315

instruct teach315

jest joke316

invalid patient316

introduction preface316

job labour task work317

just just now318

keep reserve retain319

keen sharp319

keep in mind learn by heart remember320

kind sort species321

kill murder slaughter slay321

knock pat rap tap322

know learn realize understand323

know know of323

lack want324

lane path road route way325

lady woman325

language speech tongue326

laugh smile sneer327

later latter327

lawful legal legitimate328

1ay place put set329

learn study330

lean thin330

little small tiny331

leave leave for leave off331

live stay332

lively sprightly vivid333

look at see watch334

lonely lonesome solitary334

lose miss335

lovable lovely loving336

mail post337

made from made of337

marriage nuptials wedding338

material stuff339

master teacher339

maybe perhaps possibly probably340

meat pork341

meadow pasture341

meet meeting342

meet meet with342

method mode way343

memory remembrance343

mighty powerful344

most learned men the most learned man345

miserable wretched345

mingle mix345

move to remove to346

motion movement346

much very347

mysterious mystic348

myself by myself348

narrate relate say speak talk tell349

nap sleep349

need want351

native natural351

neighbourhood vicinity352

never not no353

newspaper press354

news tidings354

no longer no more355

no less than not less than355

no more than not more than356

not a bit not a few not a little not in the least357

no one none357

notice pay attention to358

odd strange359

object oppose359

of age of an age of the age360

officer official361

of no account on no account361

only sole362

one day some day the other day362

outskirts suburbs363

ought should363

package packet parcel364

pace step364

part portion section share365

pagado tower365

part from part with366

particular special367

peaceable peaceful368

pass pass by368

people the people person369

peak summit top369

plan project programme370

point out show371

play play with371

prefer prefer…to372

praise laud372

problem question373

pretence pretext373

proportion rate ratio374

produce product374

propose suggest375

provide against provide for376

prove testify376

quake shake shiver tremble377

pupil scholar student377

quite very378

scatter spread380

rare scarce380

range stroll wander380

reach reach to381

real true382

read read of382

rend rip tear383

recover restore383

rescue save384

repose rest384

retire retreat withdraw385

result from result in385

revolve rotate386

robust strong sturdy387

rob steal387

sailor seaman388

safe secure388

satisfactory satisfied389

sample specimen389

several some391

scene scenery view391

severe strict392

shop store393

shade shadow393

sign signal394

sight vision394

skilful skilled395

so such396

some time sometime sometimes397

sociable social397

spend take398

still yet399

steel temper train399

subject theme topic400

stop(doing) stop(to do)400

telegram telegraph telegraphy401

thank you for thank you to thanks to402

till until403

this day this day week today403

too very404

try and try to405

triumph victory405

unless if…not406

unfortunate unhappy unlucky406

unworthy worthless407

until now until today407

used to be used to408

visit visit with409

used to would409

what time when410

welcome welcomed410

worth worthy411

would rather would rather…than412

write write to413
