
- 邱君帝编著 著
- 出版社: 北京:海豚出版社
- ISBN:7801382463
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:331页
- 文件大小:63MB
- 文件页数:345页
- 主题词:其他
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Ⅰ 图解1
able disabled skill foolish1
act bill vote2
add advance advantage danger3
agree object permit4
air aircraft god port5
animal cattle dog6
animal mouse7
animal bird insect bee flight8
article content should9
astonish worry10
believe independence true11
board plate computer12
body head blood foot13
body case suit14
face mouth ENT15
hand divide separate16
hand handful gesture17
book print edit18
break fast rule19
bring explain strange20
burn ground sun house21
burst aloud scream pain22
call require23
car carry street24
chair roll arm step25
change remind center middle26
clothes cloth sew wash27
come public complete28
continent Africa Egypt29
Asia Cambodia India30
China radio civil31
Europe Disney Germany32
Europe Italy Spain33
UK Britain British34
UK Scotland Wales Ireland35
America Canada aborigines36
America California union37
Oceania ocean New Zealand peace38
crop grain cigar39
cut knife out40
day daylight holiday41
delight pleasant unpleasant42
die death starve43
diet freeze hot44
diet drink sauce cook feed45
direct director speech46
dirty dirt clear47
do deed well know steal48
electricity power line coast49
ever however though wherever50
fair equal colour compare51
fall rain illness regularly52
family host housewife elder brother53
fire shoot wood54
fix determine repair tear55
free way56
game gymnast ball57
get far58
get move59
get mix together60
give offer prove61
give forgive shame62
go oppose struggle63
go review view64
gram tense telegram sign65
have learn trip66
have word expression67
have result relate68
hold high breath nuclear69
human male being right70
keep fit71
land island farm main generally72
lead leading simple life73
light tiny huge74
possible like bore75
live earn reach76
long late wave77
look upon dream watch78
lose voice weight79
make product80
make plan end81
make fun82
make use consider83
man gentleman gentle violent84
many great deal more85
matter material fact86
metal gold treasure iron87
metre kilometre shape grade88
music popular official89
nation national nationwide race96
nature variety sort typewriter gas97
note notice announcement98
now so99
once one while100
order ordinary serve noble101
pack mass score102
paint draw reception103
part apart partly special104
pass past after105
pay repay moneylender attend106
per perform personal cause107
plant seed tree fruit108
play instrument109
point disappoint hope110
post mail111
praise encourage courage prize112
put record prison113
care careful114
restaurant help115
room stand bottom116
school university doctor organisation117
science agriculture chemist118
science medicine politice mental spirit119
sea seaman sail seaside120
search seek see study121
set settle122
set build building123
show room124
sick strong treat cure125
side hill126
sleep beautiful castle127
social communicate communism128
store goods sell129
success greet130
take photo machine131
take operate conductor132
take connect proud133
take seat place interest134
take own wealth135
tell argue remark136
think thought stick137
eat throw digest138
time year round week140
tool container141
try trail practice train142
turn down open143
universe planet earth circle144
value worth bargain145
war ship defend146
water run147
wind weather fierce strike148
work unit courtyard149
work co-worker net secretary150
work firm friend151
world world-famous first152
Ⅱ 同义词辨析153
Ⅲ 词江索引277
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