定价策略与技巧获利性决策指南 英文版【2025|PDF|Epub|mobi|kindle电子书版本百度云盘下载】

- (美)ThomasT.Nagle,ReedK.Holden著 著
- 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
- ISBN:7302051143
- 出版时间:2002
- 标注页数:398页
- 文件大小:50MB
- 文件页数:424页
- 主题词:
定价策略与技巧获利性决策指南 英文版PDF格式电子书版下载
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The Harvest of Your Profit Potential1
Why Pricing Is Often Ineffective1
CHAPTER 1 Strategic Planning:The Harvest of Your Potential1
第1章 战略计划:收割你的获利潜力1
CHAPTER 1 Strategic Planning1
The Cost-Plus Delusion2
Customer-Driven Pricing6
Competition-Driven Pricing7
Asking the Right Questions8
The Discipline of Strategic Pricing10
CHAPTER 2 Costs15
How Should They Affect Pricing Decisions?15
The Role of Costs in Pricing15
CHAPTER 2 Costs:How Should They Affect Pricing Decisions?15
第2章 成本:应如何影响定价策略15
Determining Relevant Costs16
Why Incremental Costs?17
Why Avoidable Costs?20
Avoiding Misleading Accounting23
Estimating Relevant Costs25
Percent Contribution Margin and Pricing Strategy30
CHAPTER 3 Financial Analysis:Pricing for Profit35
Pricing for Profit35
CHAPTER 3 Financial Analysis35
第3章 财务分析:获利性定价35
Breakeven Sales Analysis:The Basic Case37
Breakeven Sales Incorporating a Change in Variable Cost39
Breakeven Sales with Incremental Fixed Costs41
Breakeven Sales Analysis for Reactive Pricing44
Calculating Potential Financial Implications45
Breakeven Sales Curves47
Watching Your Baseline51
Covering Nonincremental Fixed and Sunk Costs52
Case Study:Ritter&Sons53
Appendix 3A:Derivation of the Breakeven Formula62
Appendix 3B:Breakeven Analysis of Price Changes64
Developing a Breakeven Chart64
Breakeven Analysis with More Than One Incremental Fixed Cost67
Breakeven Graphs68
CHAPTER 4 Customers73
第4章 消费者:理解并影响消费者的购买决策73
CHAPTER 4 Customers:Understanding and Influencing the Purchase Decision73
Understanding and Influencing the Purchase Decision73
Role of Value in Pricing74
Economic Value EstimationTM:An Illustration76
Economic Value Profile80
The Use of Economic Value EstimationTM81
Reference Price Effect84
Factors Influencing Perceptions of Value84
Difficult Comparison Effect88
Switching Cost Effect90
Price-Quality Effect91
Expenditure Effect93
End-Benefit Effect95
Shared-Cost Effect97
Fairness Effect97
The Framing Effect102
Management of Value Perceptions and Price Sensitivity104
Segmenting for Value Communication and Delivery105
Appendix 4A:Economics of Price Sensitivity109
The Reference Price Effect111
Appendix 4B:Preparing a Managerial Price Sensitivity Analysis111
Price-Quality Effect112
Switching Cost Effect112
Difficult Comparison Effect112
Expenditure Effect113
End-Benefit Effect113
The Framing Effect114
Fairness Effect114
Shared-Cost Effect114
CHAPTER 5 Competition119
Managing Conflict Thoughtfully119
第5章 竞争:妥善处理冲突119
CHAPTER 5 Competition:Managing Conflict Thoughtfully119
Understanding the Pricing Game121
Competitive Advantage:The Only Sustainable Source of Profitability122
Reacting to Competition:Think Before You Act126
Is there a response that would cost less than the preventable sales loss?127
If you respond,is your competitor willing and able to cut price again to reestablish the price difference?131
Will the multiple responses required to match a competitor still cost less than the avoidable sales loss?131
Is your position in other(geographic or product )markets threatened if a competitor is successful in gaining share?Does the value of the markets at risk justify the cost of a response?131
How Should You React?132
Managing Competitive Information136
Collect and Evaluate Information137
Selectively Communicate Information139
Preannounce Price Increases140
Show Willingness and Ability to Defend140
Back Up Opportunism with Information142
When Should You Compete on Price?143
Managing Your Market Proactively147
第6章 定价策略:积极主动地管理市场147
CHAPTER 6 Pricing Strategy:Managing Your Market Proactively147
CHAPTER 6 Pricing Strategy147
Price Setting Versus Strategic Pricing148
Creating a Pricing Strategy149
Proactive Pricing:Structure and Process150
The Price Structure152
The Pricing Process156
Value-Based Marketing Strategy161
Creating Customer Benefits162
Communicating the Value Proposition163
Profit-Driven Competitive Positioning164
Skim Pricing166
Sequential Skimming168
Penetration Pricing170
Neutral Pricing173
CHAPTER 7 Life Cycle Pricing177
Adapting Strategy in a Changing Environment177
CHAPTER 7 Life Cycle Pricing:Adapting Strategy in a Changing Environment177
第7章 生命周期定价法:在变换的环境中调整战略177
Pricing the Innovation for Market Introduction178
Marketing Innovations Through Price-Induced Sampling180
Marketing Innovations Through Direct Sales181
Marketing Innovations Through Distribution Channels182
Pricing the New Product for Growth182
Pricing the Differentiated Product183
Pricing the Low-Cost Product184
Choosing a Growth Strategy185
Price Reductions in Growth188
Pricing the Established Product in Maturity189
Pricing a Product in Marker Decline192
Alternative Strategies in Decline192
Brand Stage Versus Product Life Cycle195
CHAPTER 8 Value-Based Sales and Negotiation:Influencing Customer Behavior200
Influencing Customer Behavior200
CHAPTER 8 Value-Based Sales and Negotiation200
第8章 基于价值的销售和谈判:对消费者的行为施加影响200
Value:The Basis for Policy-Driven Pricing201
Undoing the Damage202
Understanding Buying Centers205
Negotiating with Price Buyers208
Types of Buyers and Their Negotiation Strategies208
Negotiating with Relationship Buyers211
Negotiating with Value Buyers212
Managing the Sales Force Toward Value -Based Pricing213
Account Planning213
Profit-Focused Sales Incentives215
Measuring the Pocket Price217
Appendix 8A Preparing Competitive Bids220
Preparing Competitive Bids220
Quantitative Analysis220
Probability of Success222
Average Opponent Approach222
The Winner s Curve225
CHAPTER 9 Segmented Pricing227
Tactics for Separating Markets227
第9章 细分定价:市场细分策略227
CHAPTER 9 Segmented Pricing:Tactics for Separating Markets227
Segmenting by Buyer Identification229
Obtaining Information230
Segmenting by Purchase Location232
Segmenting by Time of Purchase234
Peak-Load Pricing235
Setting Peak-Load Prices236
Yield Management237
Segmenting by Purchase Quantity239
Volume Discounts239
Order Discounts240
Step Discounts240
Two-Part Pricing241
Segmenting by Product Design243
Segmenting by Product Bundling244
Optional Bundling245
Value-Added Bundling246
Segmenting by Tie-Ins and Metering247
Tie-In Sales247
Importance of Segmented Pricing249
第10章 营销组合中的定价策略:发展整体战略253
Developing an Integrated Strategy253
Pricing and the Product Line253
CHAPTER 10 Pricing in the Marketing Mix:Developing an Integrated Strategy253
CHAPTER 10 Pricing in the Marketing Mix253
Pricing Substitute Products254
Pricing Complementary Products256
Selecting Loss Leaders257
Product Line Pricing and Price Perceptions259
Pricing and Promotion260
Pricing and Advertising260
Pricing and Personal Selling264
Setting the Promotional Budget265
Price as a Promotional Tool266
Pricing Tactics to Induce Trial267
Defensive Dealing270
Trade Dealing272
Pricing and Distribution274
第11章 渠道策略:价格管理278
Price Management278
CHAPTER 11 Channel Strategy:Price Management278
CHAPTER 11 Channel Strategy278
Channel Definitions281
Channel Strategy283
Selecting an Appropriate Channel286
Channel Strategy Implementation289
Maintaining Minimum Resale Prices289
Limiting Maximum Resale Prices291
Connecting Channel Strategies to Communication Strategy294
Managing Price Through the Distribution Channel297
Managing Reltail Pricing Strategy299
Managing in e-Commerce Channels300
第12章 竞争优势:为更有利的定价策略打好基础305
Establishing Foundations for More Profitable Pricing305
CHAPTER 12 Competitive Advantages:Establishing Foundations for More Profitable Pricing305
CHAPTER 12 Competitive Advantages305
Competitive Cost Advantages306
Internal Cost Efficiencies306
Economies of Scope306
Economies of Scale307
Economies of Experience312
External Cost Efficiencies316
Economies of Buyer Focus316
Economies of Logistical Integration317
Efficiency in Transfer Pricing318
Temporary Cost Advantages323
Competitive Product Advantages324
Product Superiority324
Product Augmentation325
Sustaining Product Advantages326
Known Supplier327
Buyers Investments327
Channel Preemption327
Scarce Resource Preemption327
Niche Marketing328
CHAPTER 13 Measuring Perceived Value and Price Sensitivity332
Research Techniques to Supplement Judgment332
Types of Measurement Procedures332
第13章 测量感受值和价格敏感性:对判断进行修正的研究方法332
CHAPTER 13 Measuring Perceived Value and Price Sensitivity:Research Techniques to Supplement Judgment332
Uncontrolled Studies of Actual Purchases334
Historical Sales Data334
Panel Data335
Store Scanner Data336
Analyzing Historical Data336
Experimentally Controlled Studies of Actual Purchases339
In-Store Purchase Experiments339
Laboratory Purchase Experiments341
Uncontrolled Studies of Preferences and Intentions342
Direct Questioning344
Attribute Positioning345
Buy-Response Surveys345
Depth Interviews345
Experimentally Controlled Studies of Preferences and Intentions350
Simulated Purchase Experiments350
Trade-Off Analysis351
Using Measurement Techniques Appropriately359
Using Judgment for Better Measurement360
Using Internet-Based Techniques363
Selecing the Appropriate Measurement Technique364
CHAPTER 14 Ethics and the Law :Understanding the Constraints on Pricing369
第14章 伦理和法律:理解定价方面的限制因素369
CHAPTER 14 Ethics and the Law370
Understanding the Constraints on Pricing370
Ethical Constraints on Pricing370
The Legal Framework for Pricing373
Price Fixing or Price Encouragement374
Horizontal Price Fixing376
Resale Price Fixing or Encouragement376
Vertical Price Fixing376
Direct Dealing Programs377
Resale Price Encouragement378
Price Discrimination379
Price and Promotional Discrimination379
Promotional Discrimination381
Defenses to Price Discrimination382
Competitive Injury,Defenses,and Indirect Purchasers383
Using Nonprice Variables to Support Pricing Goals384
Vertical Nonprice Restrictions384
Nonprice Incentives386
Other Pricing Issues386
Predatory Pricing386
Price Signaling386
Name Index393
Subject Index396
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